Now showing items 1-10 of 100
Berkarir di dunia grafis
(PT.Elek Media Komputindo – 2009 – ISBN: 978-979-27-4467-5, 2009)
Huruf Display dengan komputer dan Manual
(ANDI – 2005 – ISBN: 979-731-816-8, 2005)
Building Self-Esteem in the Early Years
(Psikologika Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi - No.20 Tahun X Juli 2005 - ISSN: 1410-4289 – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2005-07)
This article looks at the practical ways of building self-esteem in the early years. It describes the concepts of self-esteem and characteristics of children with high self-esteem and those with low self-esteem. The practical ...
Penerapan Prinsip Andragogi Pada Sebuah Pusat Bahasa Di Surabaya
(Anima. Indonesian Psychological Journal - Vol. 22 No.3 April 2007 - ISSN: 0215-0158 – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya., 2007-04)
This study aims to look at the application of andragogical principles at an English language institution, including its constraints. Informans were 2 instructors and 2 participants of the institution. Data were ...
Founders. Succession and Recruiting Dilemmatic Problems and Financial Resourcing Obstacles : Which to choose Among Money or Power?
(Proceedings of the Indonesian Conference on Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Small Business development for the Better Indonesia, ICIES , Bandung, 20-23 Juli 2009, Hal : 907-921, 2009-07)
Family businesses conserve more control over corporate. Founders, most sure to pass throne to their children while capabilities, experiences, well-trained business insights and competencies aspects come later.
Public ...
Inspirasi Desain Ruang Tamu
(Griya Kreasi. Kreasi Inspirasi & Desain – Cetakan I, September 2008 – ISBN: (13) 978-979-26-3675-8 – Penebar Swadaya, 2008-09)
The Dimension Quality of Service Influence Customer Satisfaction in Hotel (A Case Study an Examination of The Transaction Model In Service Industry)
(Proceeding, Quality, Competitiveness, and Value-Added Services in Solving Predetermined Global Crisis – Vol.3, Desember 2009 – ISSN: 1978-774X - International Seminar on Industrial Engineering And Management (ISIEM)., 2009-12)
1. Design/ methodology –The paper used survey and choice data collection by interviews which used to built the model of customer satisfaction. A structured questionnaire was employed to gather data and tested of validity ...
Ide Penataan: 20 Hunian Inspiratif Aneka Gaya
(Griya Kreasi. Kreasi Inspirasi & Desain – Cetakan II, November 2008 – ISBN: (10) 979-26-3657-9, ISBN: (13) 978-979-26-3657-4 – Penebar Swadaya, 2008-11)
Ruang Tidur Idaman
(Griya Kreasi. Kreasi Inspirasi & Desain – Cetakan I, Agustus 2008 – ISBN: (10) 979-26-3674-9, ISBN: (13) 978-979-26-3674-1 – Penebar Swadaya, 2008-08)
MANAJEMEN KEUANGAN : Based on Empirical Research
(Penerbit: Graha Ilmu Edisi Pertama Yogyakarta Tahun 2009, 2009)
Buku ini mengulas secara lengkap tentang konsep dan teori yang berkembang sebagai bagian dari evolusi dalam manajemen keuangan, sekaligus dapat digunakan oleh pembaca sebagai landasan teoritis dalam berbagai riset di ...