Acupuncture Potential As An Alternative Treatment Of Preventing Diabetes Hyperglycemia Through The Reduction Of Inflammation And Apoptosis Process In Beta Pancreas Cells
Sayogo, William
Nugraha, Jusak
Wartiningsih, Minarni
Show full item recordAbstract
Introduction: Acupuncture helps the cell regeneration process in the langerhans island of the pancreas. This process is through inhibition of TNF-? pro-inflammatory cytokinea secretion and also decreases the apoptosis process. This study aims to determine the potential for acupuncture in ST36 acupuncture
points on TNF-? expression and apoptosis in diabetic wistar rat pancreas. Method: Forty-two Wistar rats, 3 months old, were divided into 5 groups, negative controls (decapitated 7th and 30th days), positive controls (decapitated 7th and 30th days), treatment (decapitated 7th and 30th days). Rat were made with a diabetic condition by injected streptozotocin at a dose of 60 mg / kg bodyweight in intraperitoneal. The positive group and treatment were made in diabetes conditions, the treatment group was stabbed in ST36 acupuncture points. After decapitating each group on the 7th and 30th days, pancreas tissue was fixed and made preparations and given immunohistochemical staining and TUNNEL. The number of cells expressing TNF-? and experiencing apoptosis were calculated per 10 visual fields using 400 x magnification light microscopy, then the data were analyzed. Results: Acupuncture at the ST36 point decreased the inflammatory process in the pancreas with diabetic rat, the effect of the acupuncture at the ST36 point showed no direct correlation with the number of apoptotic beta cells.
Conclusion: Acupuncture needle puncture in the ST36 acupuncture point decreases inflammation and apoptotic process in the rat pancreas with diabetes condition.