Analisis Model Human Computer Interaction untuk Pengukuran User Experience pada Sistem Informasi Akademik
Usability analysis on information systems is very useful to produce an easy, effective, efficient, and appropriate system for its users. This study aims to apply the Human Computer Interaction (HCI) model through the measurement of user experience in academic information system using Jakob Nielsen usability method of learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. To create an academic information system, it is necessary to pay attention to the usability aspect as the key to success and requirements for user acceptance of the application. The use of experiments is intended to determine whether the app is appropriate to the user's needs or not (user experience). In this research, we are testing usability on UC Student App by using interview method. Interview method is used to measure user experience. Components tested consist of components of learnability, efficiency, memorability, errors, and satisfaction. In this research we found that 5 important features in UC Student App have met 4 criteria of usability theory except on the error component.