Analisis Kemiskinan Provinsi di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Sebelum Pandemic Covid 19 dan Saat Pandemic Covid 19)
Poverty uses three measurements, namely: the percentage of poor people (P0), the
depth index (P1) and the severity index (P2). Poverty in 2018-2019 has decreased
where the Covid 19 Pandemic has not yet occurred in Indonesia. After the Covid-19
Pandemic (2020-2021) there was a restriction on population mobility, thereby
reducing income and having an impact on poverty. The object of research uses all
provinces in Indonesia. Poverty data is sourced from the Central Statistics Agency and
the Covid 19 Task Force. The purpose of the study is to compare poverty and the
COVID-19 pandemic in every province in Indonesia. This study uses descriptive
statistical analysis using data from 2019 and 2020. The results found five provinces
with a high rate of COVID-19 cases including: West Java, Central Java, East Java,
North Sumatra, and DI. Yogyakarta. The five provinces with the highest COVID-19
cases experienced an increase in poverty during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic.