The Role of Marital Relation Strategies on Business Efficacy of Young Male Entrepreneurs with Spousal Involvement and Support as Mediators
Many studies about entrepreneurs have already been done from the perspecitve of the individual’s characteristics or background, but not many studies have studied it from the marital relationship perspective. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of marital relations strategies to business efficacy through mediation of spousal involvement and emotional social support. The subjects were 61 married young male entrepreneurs in Surabaya, Indonesia. Data analysis was tested by using structural equation modeling. Based on the structural equation modeling, only conflict management and advice strategy have a positive impact on the business efficacy of young male entrepreneurs through mediation of their spousal emotional involvement and social support. The other four strategies, namely assurance, openness, positivity and social network have no positive impact toward spousal involvement and spousal emotional social support. Therefore, the four strategies cannot have an effective influence on business efficacy if they are not preceded by a good conflict management strategy.