Reading-to-Write in the Classroom: The Use of Mind Mapping as Schemata and as Outlining
This paper is aimed at giving an effective way of teaching the integrated skills of reading-to-write
by using mind mapping. Even the term of reading-to-write itself seems new to education
environment of teaching English as a foreign language (EFL) especially to teachers and lecturers;
however, the intertwined activities of reading-to-write give some advantages to the learners taught
and moreover to the teachers and/or lecturers themselves. The learners actively study the two skills
integrated in accordance with the topics explored and for the teachers and/or lecturers, they save
their energy and time in teaching reading-to-write skills. In a meeting in the classroom, they just
prepare one main topic for these two skills and the time is really effective used by both parties. The
effectiveness teaching and learning process of reading-to-write is more enhanced by the use of mind
mapping in those skills. There is a strong assumption that the use of mind mapping in reading-towrite
can improve the learners’ reading comprehension and writing quality.