Hubungan Konsumsi Junk Food dan Kejadian Depresi Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Ciputra Surabaya
Junk food refers to either food or drink that has been processed and is ready to be served on an order basis.
In Indonesia, especially at urban areas junk food could easily to be found and accessed by public. Students
tends to consume junk food as they have the speed, hygiene, accessability, affordability, taste, and prestige.
Previous studies have shown a positive relationship between junk food consumption and the incidence of
depression. The purpose of this study was to determine the correlation between junk food consumption and
the incidence of depression in students of the Faculty of Medicine at Ciputra University of Surabaya. This
research is an observational analitic study. In this study, 73 samples were taken from students of the Faculty
of Medicine at Ciputra University of Surabaya (2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 batch). Research data was
processed using the Spearman Rank Test. Results showed that there was no significant correlation between
junk food consumption and the incidence of depression in students of the Faculty of Medicine at Ciputra
University of Surabaya, which may be related to the time when the research data was collected, namely the
COVID-19 pandemic era. It is hiped that people will still maintain a healthy lifestyle by avoiding the
consumption od junk food as there are still negative impacts for health by consuming it.