Now showing items 1-20 of 2987

    • Analisis Kemiskinan Provinsi di Indonesia (Studi Kasus: Sebelum Pandemic Covid 19 dan Saat Pandemic Covid 19) 

      Sitepu, Sri Nathasya Br (Gorontalo Development Review, 202)
      Poverty uses three measurements, namely: the percentage of poor people (P0), the depth index (P1) and the severity index (P2). Poverty in 2018-2019 has decreased where the Covid 19 Pandemic has not yet occurred in ...
    • Membangun dan Memiliki Entrepreneur Spirit Sangat Potensial untuk Pengentas Kemiskinan (Studi Kasus Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Upaya Mengentas Kemiskinan di Kota Surabaya) 

      Sutanto, J.E. (Fakultas Ekonomi Unika Widya Mandala, 2001-10-10)
      Berapa kendala sampai saat ini belum ada kriteria yang baku dalam mengidentifikasi penduduk miskin, pengertian dan kriteria kemiskinan begitu beragam sesuai badan/instansi/dinas yang menangani masalah kemiskinan. Mereka ...

      Sutanto, J. E. (Jurnal Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, 2003-01)
      The environmental pollution leading to social unrest is caused by garbage heap in the temporary garbage dump which is not optimally handled. Therefore.real attempts should be made in order to know the garbage volume at ...
    • Huruf Display dengan komputer dan Manual 

      Kusrianto, Adi (ANDI – 2005 – ISBN: 979-731-816-8, 2005)
    • Berlin Genova 

      Indrawan, Stephanus Evert (JOVIS, 2005)
    • Building Self-Esteem in the Early Years 

      Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (Psikologika Jurnal Pemikiran dan Penelitian Psikologi - No.20 Tahun X Juli 2005 - ISSN: 1410-4289 – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2005-07)
      This article looks at the practical ways of building self-esteem in the early years. It describes the concepts of self-esteem and characteristics of children with high self-esteem and those with low self-esteem. The practical ...
    • Mengelola Intelectual Capital berbasis kompetasi di perguruan tinggi dalam menghadapi globalisasi 

      Melinda, Tina (Jurnal Bisnis LABORA - Vol.7, No.1, Agustus 2005 - ISSN 1410-2218 - STM LABORA Press, 2005-08)
      Persaingan global adalah persaingan yang berskala dunia antara organisasi laba. Industri di indonesia harus memiliko daya saing tinggi dimasa depan untuk itu peran pendidikan tinggi sangat penting dalam menghasilkan tenaga ...
    • Enhancing The Roles Of Counseling Services In Higher Education 

      Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (University Of Surabaya, 2005-09)
      Students need help and support during their study in higher education. Counseling services in higher education institutions have important role in helping and supporting them. Wide dissemination of the roles and functions ...
    • Working With Diversity: Building Effective Relationships in Educational Settings 

      Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (AUAP Universitas Surabaya, 2005-09)
      In every group, even in homogenous groups, there are always different characteristics of the members. Members may be different one from the others in terms of their demographic characteristics and personality differences. ...
    • Mahasiswa Dan Sumber Bantuan Yang Menjadi Pilihan Utama 

      Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (Jurnal Ilmiah Sosial & Humaniora - Vol.01 No.02, Feb 2006 – ISSN: 0216-1532 – LPPM Universitas Surabaya, 2006-02)
      The aims of this research is to investigate student’s preferred sources of help (helper) and the reasons underlying their preferences to come up with to set of qualities that students expect from their helper. Both ...
    • Value on Traditional Machiya Building 

      Anggraini, Lya Dewi (Petra Christian University, 2006-03)
      The traditional machiya (townhouse) building in Japan has become popular throughout the world as well-maintained buildings found in almost every town in Japan; in contrast to contemporary and high rise buildings that were ...
    • Nvivo Sebagai Alat Bantu Analisis Data Kualitatif 

      Setiawan, Jenny Lukito (Anima Indonesian Psychological Journal - VOL.21 No.4 Juli 2006 - ISSN: 0215-0158 – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya., 2006-07)
      Abstract: Unlike quantitative data analysis, qualitative data analysis normally deal with large amounts of texts which may be resulted from depth interview, focus group discussion. This paper discusses the usage, benefit, ...
    • Willingness To Seek Counselling, And Factors That Facilitate And Inhibit The Seeking Of Counselling In Indonesian Undergraduate Students 

      Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, 2006-08)
      ABSTRACT This paper describes a study designed to investigate Indonesian undergraduates' attitudes to counselling. it focuses on the results derived from data analyses of a questionnaire measuring the level of willingness ...
    • Pengaruh Perilaku Pimpinan Dan Praktik Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Budaya Organisasi Dan Kinerja Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Di Jawa Timur. 

      Melinda, Tina (Jurnal Widya Manajemen & Akuntansi - Vol. 6 No.2 , Agustus 2006 – Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala Surabaya, 2006-08)
      The aims of the research are: 1) to analyze and prove the influence of leader’s behavior factors to BPR organization culture in East Java; 2) to analyze and prove the influence of leader’s behavior factors to BPR organization ...
    • Membangun Kesehatan Organisasi Melalui Sistem Penjamin Mutu Di Perguruan Tinggi Dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Daya Saing Bangsa 

      Melinda, Tina (Media MAHARDHIKA - Vol.5 No.1, September 2006 - ISSN 0854-0861 – STIE Mahardhika Press, 2006-09)
      Di masa yang akan datang, pengembangan pendidikan tinggi tidak dapat dipisahkan dari prediksi perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan termasuk ilmu sosial dan humaniora, teknologi, seni budaya dan ekomomi dunia. Perekonomian dunia ...
    • Hubungan Antara Kecerdasan Emosional Dan Depresi Pada Ibu Yang Memiliki Anak Dengan Gangguan Autisme 

      Meliani; Lukito Setiawan, Jenny; Elizabeth Sukamto, Monique (Psikologika Jurnal Pemikiran Dan Penelitian Psikologi - No.23 Tahun XII, Januari 2007 - ISSN: 1410-1289 – Fakultas Psikologi dan Ilmu Sosial Budaya Universitas Islam Indonesia, 2007-01)
      Abstract Mothers usually expect their children to grow well and healthy. Therefore, having an autistic child is a very difficult experience as this may make mothers feel frustrated and sad. Continuous negative feelings ...
    • Peranan Penyesuaian Karir Karyawan Untuk Mencapai Keunggulan Kompetitif Organisasi 

      Melinda, Tina (Jurnal Media Mahardhika – Vol.5 No.2, Januari 2007 - ISSN: 0854-0861 - STIE Mahardhika Press, 2007-01)
      Keberhasilan suatu organisasi akan sangat ditentukan oleh berbagai faktor, baik factor eksternal maupun faktor internal. Faktor eksternal organisasi adalah faktor yang tidak dapat dikendalikan oleh organisasi secara langsung ...
    • An Application of PBL for Studio Based Learning in Teaching Basic Design Concept in Universitas Ciputra. 

      Nuradhi, Maureen; Kiswandono, Istiawati (International Problem-Based Learning Symposium – 9 Maret 2007 – ISBN: 978-981-05-7718-6 – Republic Polytechnic, Singapore, 2007-03)
      Art is a tacit knowledge. UC style PBL has applied to teach basic design as Studio Based Learning in the Interior Design Department in Universitas Ciputra Surabaya. The modification includes combination with conversation ...
    • Penerapan Prinsip Andragogi Pada Sebuah Pusat Bahasa Di Surabaya 

      Damairia Hamida, Sonya; Lukito Setiawan, Jenny (Anima. Indonesian Psychological Journal - Vol. 22 No.3 April 2007 - ISSN: 0215-0158 – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Surabaya., 2007-04)
      Abstract. This study aims to look at the application of andragogical principles at an English language institution, including its constraints. Informans were 2 instructors and 2 participants of the institution. Data were ...
    • Perubahan Pada Remaja Tanpa Ayah 

      Yuliawati, Livia; Lukito Setiawan, Jenny; Wijaya Mulya, Teguh (Arkhe Jurnal Ilmiah Psikologi - Vol.12 No.1, April 2007 - ISSN 1410-038X – Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Tarumanegara, 2007-04)
      Sinqle-parent families-especially single-mom-were increasing sharply in these decades. The aim of this research was finding change that fatherless teen experienced after divorce or death of their father. Subjects in this ...